Members of the Institute AEIPLOUS have been involved in the following projects:


Technology Foresight in the Region of Western Greece (RWG)

The project was materialized in the frames of the Regional Innovation Pole of Western Greece ( It was actually the first Technology Foresight which was carried out in the RWG. The time horizon was set to 2021. Representatives from the local authorities, the enterprising and the scientific sector had the opportunity to realise constructive discussions aiming at the essential comprehension of the current state of the region and the creation of a common vision for the future.

The three thematic areas in which the exercise of Technology Foresight focused were:
Axis Ι: Technologies of Informatics and Communications
Axis ΙΙ: Safety and Technologies of Foods
Axis ΙΙΙ: Environmental Management and Protection

The results from all three thematic areas showed that the most desirable Scenario for the future is the Scenario of “Innovative Sustainable Development”. It is a Scenario which favors the sustainable development of the region based on the production of innovation.


Developmental Plan for the Regional Innovation Pole of Western Greece

The Developmental Plan for the Regional Innovation Pole of Western Greece was created outlining the strategies for predicting and resolving potential problems. It was revised and finalized in four phases.




C. N. Antonopoulos and V. G. Papadakis, “Learning from past investment incidents in peripheral regions: semiconductors in Patras, Greece”, Int. J. Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx (2009). Download in pdf format

C. N. Antonopoulos and V. G. Papadakis (2011), ‘Science Park operations on the verge between renewal and stagnation. Is there a green way out?”, XXVIII IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks, 2011. Download in pdf format

C. N. Antonopoulos, V. G. Papadakis, C. D. Stylios, M P Efstathiou, P P Groumpos, “Mainstreaming innovation policy in less favoured regions: the case of Patras Science Park, Greece”, Science and Public Policy, 36(7), August 2009, pages 511–521. Download in pdf format