

CIRCLE - Circular Innovation and Resilient City Labs in the Adrion Region

The Institute AEIPLOUS is a partner in the project CIRCLE”, to promote models of waste management/recycling based on a strongest and diffuse implementation of the circular economy’s principles in the Adrion region, thanks to planning and implementation of a collaborative approach. Promotion of circular economy (from cradle to cradle, instead of linear model from cradle to grave) is foundation of effective models of good waste management/ recycling. Duration: 1/2/2020 – 31/7/2022.


CIRCES - Circular Design: Skills for Future People

Project CIRCES is funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme – KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. Duration 01/11/2022 to 30/04/2025 (30 months)


ATRIUM Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the XX° Century in Urban Management (

From wounds of an inconvenient & terrible past, the architectural traces of totalitarian regimes of XX° Century could become an important source of local development, if they were managed & valorized through a trans-national cultural route (in compliance with requisites set out by the Council of Europe with the Resolution n° 12/07) corroborated by tourism cultural products.


Fostering A Citizen's Europe-FACE

The project FACE-Fostering A Citizen's Europe is co-financed by the European Union and is implemented within the frames or the Europe for Citizen's Programme 2007-2013 and specifically through Action 2 – Active Civil Society in Europe, Measure 3 – Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations.

Duration of the project: 01/08/2012 until 17/05/2013




Development and implementation of decentralised solar energy-related innovative technologies for public buildings in the Mediterranean Basin countries.

Duration of the project: 36 months (December 2012 - December 2015)

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