Social Awareness
Institute AEIPLOUS highlights the social structures that provide support to vulnerable social groups. One such case is a visit at the premises of N.G.O PRAXIS, located at Patras city, a structure aimed at providing free social and medical care to underage immigrants and refugees, who are in the city of Patras. The visit took place with the participation of representatives from relevant social actors from abroad. Moreover, the Institute AEIPLOUS has participated in meetings in Netherlands & Sweden and members of AEIPLOUS visited similar structures, which are addressed to immigrants. Members of AEIPLOUS have been informed about the initiatives of local actors for the integration of immigrants into the local community and at the same time the protection and preservation of their culture (through educational language learning seminars, summer schools, job opportunities etc.). The knowledge and experiences gained from these study visits were presented at the social authorities of Patras city in order to adopt similar good practices.
Social Structures
Institute AEIPLOUS is actively participating in the promotion of initiatives aimed at supporting vulnerable social groups (homeless, unemployed, destitute, uninsured etc.). For this reason, AEIPLOUS has visited social structures in the region of Patras and abroad, which are based largely on the voluntary offer. Significant examples are the Social Pharmacy, the Municipal Clinic, the Municipal Wardrobe, the Time Bank, the Soup Kitchen provided by the church, and also initiatives undertaken by N.G.Os aiming to support the unemployed people and children facing various kind of problems. AEIPLOUS has visited corresponding structures in abroad, participated in meetings and presentations in order to get informed about similar good practices which were subsequently transferred to the competent authorities of the Municipality of Patras.